Couple collects supplies for Coast Guard families during shutdown

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Couple helping Coast Guard during shutdown

Couple helping Coast Guard during shutdown

KITSAP COUNTY, Wash. -- Members of the U.S. Coast Guard are among thousands feeling the pinch after missing their first paychecks during the government shutdown.

A Kitsap County couple is hoping to help. Karysa Warren and her husband are collecting items to send to the Seattle Coast Guard Station.

They've been collecting food as well as diapers and other supplies, which will be delivered to families who aren't getting paid during the shutdown.

Warren says it all started with a post on social media that had a snowball effect. She says she's gotten a mix of reactions from people she's helped, from excitement to a loss for words.

Admiral Karl Schultz wrote a letter to members of the Coast Guard, saying in part "You have proven time and again the ability to rise above adversity. Stay the course, stand the watch, and serve with pride. You are not, and will not, be forgotten."