Democratic 2016 candidates meet for 2nd debate

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dem debate

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Democratic presidential candidates debated for the second time  in the 2016 nomination contest on Saturday night. 

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says countries in the Middle East must get more involved in the fight against the Islamic State.

During a foreign policy discussion during the second Democratic debate, Sanders calls the current conflict a "war for the soul of Islam."

He says that other Muslim countries in the region will need to get "deeply involved" and lead the effort. He mentions Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Jordan by name.

Hillary Rodham Clinton calls the comment "unfair" to some counties, in particular Jordan. She says Jordan has "put a lot on the line" for the United States.

But Clinton says she agrees that Turkey and the Gulf nations should decide if they will stand with the United States against "this kind of jihadi radicalism."