Innovative affordable housing development opens in Shoreline

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Ronald Commons

Ronald Commons

Several formerly homeless and low-income families in north King County now have a place to call home.

Ronald Commons opened its doors Friday in Shoreline.  The development offers 60 affordable apartments to formerly homeless and low-income individuals and families.

It also offers residents and the broader community access to critical support services, including a ‘grocery-style’ food bank, family services, financial education, and assistance.

"It's critical.  There’s a big need in Shoreline for low-income individuals, there are a lot of children on free and reduced lunch in this area, and people facing poverty in this area, so Shoreline line came together and formed a wonderful dynamic partnership to help people in the community,” said Lauren Thomas, CEO of Hopelink.

Ronald Commons is the result of a joint partnership between Compass Housing Alliance, Hopelink, and the Ronald United Methodist Church in Shoreline.