Man finds woman with same name as ex-girlfriend to go on incredible round-the-world trip (VIDEO)

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TORONTO — A Toronto man who made headlines last month by offering a free round-the-world air ticket to a woman with the same name as his ex-girlfriend has found Ms. Right.

Jordan Axani, 28, and his then girlfriend, named Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their relationship ended and he didn't want her ticket to go to waste.

The ticket had a strict no-transfer policy, but since passport information was not required when booking, it can be used by any Canadian named Elizabeth Gallagher.

Axani posted his offer last month on the popular Reddit social media website, and received thousands of emails, including 18 from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with Canadian passports.

“Anyone familiar with with the archaic system that is modern air travel will know that a name change on a ticket is damn near impossible,” he wrote on the site.

He's now chosen Elizabeth Quinn Gallagher, 23, from Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, to receive the ticket.

“I am not looking for anything in return. I am not looking for companionship, romance, drugs, a trade, or to take selfies with you in front the Christmas Market in Prague,” he wrote.

“If you feel compelled to toss me a couple hundred bucks, great. Really the only thing I ask for is that you enjoy this trip and that it bring you happiness.”

This is their itinerary:

December 21: NYC to Milan

December 28: Prague to Paris

December 29: Paris to Bangkok

January 7: Bangkok to New Delhi

January 8: New Dehli to Toronto