Mayoral hopefuls make Seattle the 'Capital of the Resistance'

SEATTLE -- The race for mayor in Seattle is wide open now that incumbent Ed Murray has bowed out, with two more candidates joining the race Friday morning.

Former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan and state Rep. Jessyn Farrell, D-Seattle, are the latest in a growing field of about a dozen candidates.

Under Murray, Seattle became nationally known for liberal causes. Political leaning goes from "left" and then "left-left.”

The Trump administration has galvanized many on the left, and now the Emerald City can probably be called the "Capital of the Resistance."

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Seattle mayoral candidates: Left and lefter?

Seattle mayoral candidates: Left and lefter?

“I am the candidate with the progressive track record,” Ferrell said at her announcement, with her children standing by her.

Durkan said much of the same. “Donald Trump`s vision for America is not my vision for America.”

As the U.S. and yes, Seattle, continue to absorb the 100-plus days of the Trump administration, the city's politicians have found easy red meat for voters --by leaning left.

“We shape industries, and culture. We spark movements,” Durkan said.

During her announcement, she said Seattle's business success pales in comparison to being on the forefront of social justice, immigration rights, and LGTBQ equality.

She was the first openly gay U.S. Attorney.

“It was an honor to break that barrier. But it`s no surprise that it happened here,” she said.

Yet outside parts of Puget Sound, Trump support and the rise of the alt-right has fired up a long-simmering base of conservatism that has no safe harbor in Seattle.

A source cited a poll that found only 7 percent of residents identify as Republican.

It seems both sides of the spectrum are digging heels in -- but there's no downside to do so in Seattle.

“We need to make sure that the wealthiest few, the wealthiest corporations are paying their fair share, Farrell said.

Seattle's progressive activism is leading the way. From the minimum wage increases to marijuana legalization, police reform, and gay marriage, Seattle has been on the leading edge of national change.

Farrell and Durkan want to keep that going.

“I can promise you that neither Donald Trump, nor his immigration authorities, or Jeff Sessions is gonna tell us how to run our city,” Durkan said.