Tree explodes from lightning strike in Tacoma; branches sent flying across neighborhood

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Summer storm damage in Tacoma

Summer storm damage in Tacoma

TACOMA – A fast moving summer thunderstorm caused havoc on Tacoma’s east side. Lightning struck a 90-foot-tall tree, sending limbs and branches across the neighborhood.

“I heard a big boom,” said neighbor Diane Blount, “I though it was an earthquake because our house shook.”

The tree used to be across the street from Blount’s home. Several branches flew at least 50 feet into her driveway.

“I’m blessed that nobody got hurt and all I can say is the Bible is fulfilling,” she said.

Neighbor Jamie Wolfe’s house is directly in front of the carnage. Wolfe said her dogs were cowering in fear during the thunderstorm.

“I was in the kitchen making a smoothie and the whole, entire house lit up and shook,” she said.

Wolfe stepped outside to see a huge mess and tree limbs covering her roof.

“It’s pretty insane. We’re just lucky none of it went through our windows,” she said. “The sound waves could have shattered everything in the front of our house.”

Wolfe’s neighboring property took the worst of the damage. A branch skewered Ty Furgeson’s pickup truck, even blowing out the sunroof.

“Heard a loud bang and my wife came out and said I should come out front,” he said. “I came out front and it looked like World War II.”

Not only did Furgeson’s truck take damage but his living room window was also shattered. Luckily, no one was inside at the time.

Utility crews scrambled to reconnect power to around six customers who lost energy during the storm.

The storms continued to rumble while neighbors and crews picked up the pieces.

City street crews quickly cleared the debris from the road.

No injuries were reported.