Turkey prices on the rise; how to find a deal for your bird

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Turkey prices on the rise; how to find a deal for your bird. Q13 Fox News

It’s a tough Thanksgiving for the turkey. According to the latest economic report from Purdue University, turkey prices will be 15-20 percent higher than last year.

Agricultural economist, Corinne Alexander, says the increase is much larger because of the bird flu outbreak that affected turkey flocks earlier this year.

But that doesn’t mean you need to pay more for your bird.

Angela Russell, of The Coupon Project, says finding the best price for your bird isn’t impossible. She tracks the latest coupons and deals for turkeys every year and says a good price for your turkey in the Puget Sound area is $0.79 or less.

“I always say, look at the store where you are doing the bulk of your grocery shopping first and then see what deals they have.”

She says this helps get a deal at the grocery stores that offer a free turkey for a large purchase.

But other staples at your Thanksgiving dinner may cost less this year. Alexander says cranberry crops, white potatoes and sweet potatoes did well this year, so those prices are likely to stay the same or you may find a deal.

Russell recommends shopping ahead of time to grab those deals, and buy in bulk.

“Many of the items that are on sale are at the lowest prices you will see all season,” Russell said. “So I don’t think it’s a bad idea to grab a few extra to stock up your pantry. What’s more, many food banks are doing food drives right now, so pick up a few foods at low prices and support our community too.”

For a complete roundup of turkey prices or a look at Thanksgiving food deals, check out Russell’s blog. See Q13 Fox New’s Pinterest page for more Thanksgiving tips.