Washington state lawmaker: Ruling opens door to limit concealed-gun permits

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Conceal and carry ruling

Q13 FOX News

SEATTLE (AP) — A Washington state lawmaker says a federal appeals court ruling upholding California's limits on concealed-weapons permits should prompt consideration of such legislation here.

State Sen. Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle, says the ruling opens the door to adopting a "good cause" requirement for the permits. Such regulations require gun owners to show a need to carry a concealed weapon, such as that they've been stalked or threatened or routinely carry large amounts of cash.

The Alliance for Gun Responsibility, which pushed a successful effort expand background checks for gun purchases in Washington in 2014, said Thursday a "good cause" requirement isn't on its list of policy ideas. The group said it's focused on passing its current initiative, which would create "extreme-risk" protection orders that take guns from people who pose a serious risk of hurting themselves or others.

The NRA said the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling Thursday will "leave good people defenseless."