Hope Solo: I don't feel like you've seen the best of me yet (EXCLUSIVE)

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USWNT and Reign FC Goalie Hope Solo on “Q It Up Sports” Part 1

USWNT and Reign FC Goalie Hope Solo on "Q It Up Sports" Part 1

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USWNT and Reign FC Goalie Hope Solo on “Q It Up Sports” Part 2

USWNT and Reign FC Goalie Hope Solo on "Q It Up Sports" Part 2

SEATTLE -- The highly decorated and always controversial Hope Solo spoke out against her critics and made a promise to her fans Sunday night on Q It Up Sports.

Solo, the U.S. Women's National Team goalkeeper and Seattle Reign FC star, joined Q13 FOX Sports Director Aaron Levine in an exclusive one-on-one interview. The Olympic Gold Medalist and World Cup champion spoke of the changing roles professional athletes face, specifically in a time of social media where anonymous commenters and faceless trolls can confront stars head on.

"Everything is on social media," Solo said. "I've had to learn to stay true to myself and stay focused on the game."

Solo has dealt with a steady stream of criticism, from her play on the field to her mistakes off the pitch. She says often times her harshest critics remain faceless, and don't so much as reach out to her for comment before writing scathing tweets or articles. Though it has taken time to learn, she says, she's comfortable shaking off those who know little of who she actually is.

"I would love my critics to actually speak to me," she said. "Critics like to tweet and stay kind of hidden behind the scenes, but ultimately it doesn't bother me because I can look at myself in the mirror and be happy with my family and my husband and what I've given the game of soccer."

And when it comes to soccer, the 33-year-old Solo is far from finished. Even after three World Cup appearances and a career spanning years, Solo promises fans haven't seen the greatest of her skills in front of the net.

"I don't feel like you've seen the best of me," Solo said, saying she is constantly working on her game no matter what is going on in her personal life.

The ride of the 2015 Women's World Cup was a memorable one, Holo said, with the journey culminating in a decisive win over Japan. She said that moment was a realization of a dream she had worked her entire life toward.

"My entire life I had dreamt to play in a World Cup," she said.

Solo said one of her next priorities is to help grow the NWSL and the Seattle Reign FC brand.

Solo will appear in upcoming matches with the Reign, and again in the Women's National Team Victory Tour match at CenturyLink Field on October 21 against Brazil.