Safety reminders as Seattle has its first 80 degree day of the year

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Water and pet safety reminders as we see temps in the 80s

While the bright sun and warm weather may entice you to get into the water, state officials are urging caution: according to data from the state Department of Health, May and June are the deadliest months for drownings.

For the first time this year, western Washington saw temperatures in the 80s. 

While the bright sun and warm weather may entice you to get into the water, state officials are urging caution: according to data from the state Department of Health, May and June are the deadliest months for drownings. 

"The air is hot, but the water is still 55 degrees winter temperatures," said Thomas Miner, who has been part of area search and rescue teams for nearly 50 years. 

Miner warned that the cold water can defeat even the strongest of swimmers. 

"You've got about 10 minutes in the cold water here in the Puget Sound of Washington state before organs and arms and legs don't start working appropriately," said Rob Sendack, the State Boating Law Administrator.

He also reminds folks to wear a life jacket. 

With the sun out and the mountain out, Mount Rainier National Park Service is warning locals that it doesn't mean the snow is melted: as tempting as it is to bike SR 410, the roads are still closed. 

If you do plan on going for a hike, experts say, be prepared. Pack extra food, water, and a map and tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to be back. 

Tim Anderson, the animal control captain for the Regional Animal Services of King County, also reminds people not to forget about pets. 

"Undoubtedly, it comes with waves of calls of people leaving pets in cars," Anderson said.

Kent Police also shared on social media a post that said: "No hot dogs-- check for baby--it’s heating up."

Hundreds of dogs die each year from heat exhaustion after being left in a hot car.

If it's 80 degrees outside, just 10 minutes can get the inside of the car to 99 degrees. After half an hour, it gets to nearly 115. 

"Just in the matter of 10 minutes really, the temp can rise 20 degrees, and an hour 40 degrees, so even on a mild day like 75 degrees, you can see how hot it gets in a vehicle," Anderson said.

He adds that cracking a window makes little difference. 

If you see a dog or child in a car when the temperatures are high, call 911. 

Another dog reminder for pet owners: their paws are sensitive and can burn easily.


How to beat the heat

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