Woman dies after 42 years in a coma; story inspired book

Kaye O'Bara with her comatose daughter in 2005. (Photo: Los Angeles Times)
MIAMI -- A Miami woman who was in a coma for 42 years died Wednesday. She was 59.
Edwarda O’Bara was a high school student when she fell ill in 1970 and slipped into a diabetic coma, the Miami Herald reported. Before losing consciousness, Edwarda asked her mother, Kaye O’Bara, to never leave her side.
Her mother did just that, until Kaye O’Bara died five years ago and Edwarda's sister took over. It inspired author Dr. Wayne Dyer to write the book, “A Promise is a Promise: An Almost Unbelievable story of a Mother’s Unconditional Love and What It Can Teach Us.”
To read the full Miami Herald story, click here.