Students in Western Washington join in the national anti-Trump protests
SEATTLE-- An anti-Trump rally wrapped up near Westlake Plaza Monday night, after protesters marched for hours through the streets of downtown Seattle.
It stayed peaceful for the most part, but there were instances through the night where it got heated.
It all started as a student-led anti-Trump rally, much like the ones happening across the country. Thousands of students came from schools all over the region, from Garfield High School, Juanita High, and Franklin High.
They all gathered at Cal Anderson Park and then headed to Westlake Plaza, and that’s when others joined in on the protests from more organized groups that often show up at protests in Seattle.
Seattle Police kept a close watch on protesters, making sure they didn’t obstruct traffic. At one point, we saw a group trying to run past the officers on bicycles and then something got deployed in the air -- people start running and coughing, and then an arrest was made.
“I was walking by this police officer and then one of them maced me,” said Jawone Givens, who says he’s a Franklin High School senior.
Seattle Police say a total of three adult men were arrested Monday night. Seattle Police say two were arrested for assaulting an officer and the third was arrested for assaulting someone who was not part of the protest.
However, police said that for the most part, it was a peaceful protest.