We finally know why there's a tiny little pocket on your jeans
We all have a pair of jeans with a tiny little pocket on them. And we've all wondered at one point - "what the heck is this for?"
The pocket looks like it's too small to fit anything larger than a Tic Tac.
The first company to make jeans, Levi's, took to their blog to set the record straight.
Turns out it's technically called a watch pocket.
During the 19th century when jeans were first worn, the small pocket was created to help protect pocket watches.
In their blog, Levi's explains the pocket's function:
“The first blue jeans had four pockets—only one in back and, in the front, two plus the small, watch pocket. Originally included as protection for pocket watches, thus the name, this extra pouch has served many functions, evident in its many titles: frontier pocket, condom pocket, coin pocket, match pocket and ticket pocket, to name a few.”
Alright, then. There it is. Tell your friends!