Bear cub rescued near Sequim

A young bear cub was rescued in Sequim by a person who happened to be in the right place at the right time. 

Jonathan Evison told FOX 13 that he had been walking in the Olympic forests when he heard something cry out. He then came across a tiny black bear at the bottom of a tree. 

Evison said he waited a day to see if a mama bear would return to scoop up the cub.

He said he heard the cries again, a day later. 

"He was kind of pinned under a fallen older limb, knees kind of struggling to try to get out and [he was] crying in this wet and miserable and that's when I was like, ‘I gotta do something,’" he told FOX 13. "So I scrambled up the hill and freed him from underneath and he just started following me and kind of tumbling every couple steps." 

It's unclear if the cub's mother was killed or abandoned him.

The club latched himself onto Evison and climbed up his ankle and leg. 

The bear cub, determined to be around four months old, is being rehabilitated at Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).

PAWS says bear cubs are usually with them for around a year to be nursed back to health. The Department of Fish and Wildlife will decide when to let this cub go back into nature.