Detectives suspect mechanical failure in deadly motorcycle crash at Evergreen State Fair
MONROE, Wash. -- Investigators believe mechanical failure may have caused a crash that killed a motorcyclist at the Evergreen State Fair drag races on Monday.
According to the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office, the man on the motorcycle, 42-year-old Ed Ritter, collided with a bus next to the track at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. Ritter died at the scene.
"Based on my observations of the scene and damage to the motorcycle I believe Ritter likely encountered a catastrophic mechanical failure at or near the end of the drag course resulting in the rear wheel of the motorcycle becoming locked. The locking of the rear wheel would explain the long single tire mark that was observed leading from the end of the course to the point of impact with the bus. Once the rear tire became locked Ritter would have been able to continue sliding in a somewhat straight line but would have lost the ability to turn the motorcycle to avoid running off the track and into the parked bus," said detective Marc Monson.
The Evergreen State Fair in Monroe runs the 10 days before and through Labor Day.