Man records Facebook video for parents of toddler found crying, walking alone at 3 a.m.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- Facebook video shows a man holding the 2-year-old girl he says he found wandering in the darkness down a Memphis sidewalk.
"Me and my homeboy (are) outside," he told WREG. "It's three in the morning and this is what we see walking down the street."
Soloman Jones captured video of the last person he expected to see that early in the morning. He said he and his friend had just gotten back to his house when it happened.
"We were outside sitting and talking about the night and he told me, he said, 'I see a baby coming,'" said Jones. "I didn't believe him, so I looked and there was a little baby."
The little girl was walking alone without a jacket.
"You knew she was scared because she was just walking and crying, so when we were holding her, she was holding on to us tight," he said.
They walked her around the neighborhood trying to find her parents, but when the little girl couldn't point out where she lived, he called police.
"Luckily God left us out here," said Jones, a father himself. "I don't know who this child belongs to man, so yeah, we're getting the police out here."
Officers were able to track down the girl's family, who live nearby.
Jones said her parents are good people and he meant no harm by the video he posted on Facebook. He's gotten backlash from it and regrets criticizing the parents.
However, many are also calling him a hero.
"I don't think I'm a hero," he said. "I think I'm just somebody doing my part for the community, doing my part to keep people safe. I'd want somebody to do that for my little girl."
With thousands of views and shares, he hopes the Facebook video can spread awareness for parents to always keep a closer eye on their kids.
Jones said the parents thanked him for what he did and said they're on good terms.
There's still no word on how the little girl got out.