Police fire tear gas, flash-bangs to disperse anti-Trump protesters in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Police began deploying a flurry of flash-bang grenades as well as tear gas Friday night to move hundreds of anti-Trump protesters in downtown Portland that had ignored repeated orders to disperse.
News outlets live-streaming the event showed the bulk of the crowd scattering Friday night.
Portland police tweeted that the action came after people threw burning projectiles at officers. KPTV in Portland reported that at least a dozen protesters were arrested.
In response, some protesters yelled obscenities at police while others shouted to their fellow demonstrators to "keep it peaceful."
A KPTV reporter in Portland said at least 12 people were seen being arrested.
Police said three separate marches were taking place throughout the city.
Nearly 3,000 people started Friday evening attending a rally in Pioneer Courthouse Square at a rally organized by Portland Resistance.
The event spread to City Hall, where many speakers urged peaceful protests and community building while a self-proclaimed anarchist told the assembled crowds that it was not the job of protesters to “stop violence or vandalism."