Portlanders go without pants on public transit
PORTLAND (KPTV) -- Hundreds of people rode the MAX without pants Sunday for the annual No Pants Subway Ride -- an international event that took place in dozens of cities around the world.
(Photo: KPTV/Portland)
The premise couldn't be more simple: Take public transportation and don't wear pants.
It's an event that's a perfect fit for the Rose City's "Keep Portland Weird" motto.
"The reactions are really funny walking down the street," said Todd Jensen, from Portland. "Some people are cheering and they think it's great. Every once in a while, there's somebody who doesn't love it, but they'll get used to it. It's Portland and they're stuck with us."
The pants-less participants met at Dixie Bar and took the MAX around downtown Portland, making a couple stops along the way.
"It's a little bit of a shock factor and that's part of it, but it comes back to having a great time and meeting new people and getting to enjoy everybody else's uniqueness," said Portlander Vanessa Jensen.
To see more from the No Pants Subway Ride, just search the hashtag #npsr on Twitter or Instagram.