Tired of ungrateful drivers? THIS cool new gadget might just solve your road rage

SEATTLE -- Slow moving traffic, long detours. A commute is bad enough.

Add bad drivers into the mix? Grrr... it gets our blood pumping.

But a new Kickstarter might just solve some of our driving problems. Instead of the hard to see and hard to perform "Thank-You" wave, what about a light on the back of your car that tells the driver behind you that you're doing a good job?

MotorMood is a light-up smiley face that's placed in the rear windshield, and has a small remote button on the driver's-side visor. Essentially, when a driver behind you does something nice like lets you in, or turns off their brights, you flash them a smiley face, expressing your thanks.

"There are many thinks you can use Motormood to say," the products creator said on Kickstarter. 

The system is battery operated, and comes in a variety of different colors. The Kickstarter is attempting to raise 130,500 by July 30, in order to start a limited run of the MotorMoods. Donors can already secure one by giving $19.

For more on the Motormood, click here.