Utah college student asks English professor for help in asking girl out
SALT LAKE CITY - A Salt Lake Community College student used material from his English class in order to score a date and go viral on Twitter at the same time, according to KSTU.
“Yooo I have about 0 skills when it comes to texting girls so I legit asked my English professor to help.”
Using a concept called the rhetorical triangle, Jacob identified himself as the speaker, Hannah as the audience and a date as the purpose. At Jacob and his professor’s disposal, three concepts they discussed in class.
“Ethos is how you establish credibility. Pathos is an appeal to emotion. Logos is an appeal to logic,” said Moreno.
It worked, Hannah said yes. And while the pair enjoyed a sunset date in Utah’s mountains, their story was going viral. As of Monday night, Moreno’s tweet had been favorited nearly 400,000 times and retweeted nearly 100,000 times.
A viral hit that had escaped Hannah’s attention.
“I told her about the tweet when we were on the date together. She had no idea, until then,” said Moreno.
Jacob and Hannah went up into the mountains to watch the sunset. While they hiked, thousands on twitter added comments about his unusual way of asking her out. But on Jacob’s mind was whether or not he was getting a second date.
“I don’t know, that’s the thing. I know everyone is rooting for me but she is, I mean she is a very pretty girl, you know she is,” said Moreno.
Either way, he has scored a viral hit for taking some classroom knowledge and applying it to a real-world challenge, finding the right words to talk to a girl.