Vicious dog-on-dog attack caught on camera; owner of victim wants 'bully' controlled
LAKE FOREST PARK, Wash. -- A shocking dog attack caught on camera now has one pet owner in hot water.
Neighbors want something to be done before more pets – and even people – get hurt.
The attacked dog’s owner said his pooch has been attacked three times by his neighbor's dog.
Curt bush said 9-year-old Tucker was outdoors on Sunday when he heard him crying out in pain.
“All of the sudden I heard my dog yelping,” he said, “Open the door and I notice the malamute and this other dog is taking off and my dog is all chewed up.”
The video shows Tucker being surrounded by two large dogs. One dog, an Alaskan malamute, clamped its jaws down into Tucker.
Neighborhood dogs attack little dog; owner wants `bullies` controlled
Neighborhood dogs attack little dog; owner wants `bullies` controlled
The rest of the video is just too graphic to show on television.
Bush rushed Tucker to the vet and Tucker almost didn’t survive his injuries.
“He’s got tubes that just keep draining, he’s having a hard time sleeping,” he said.
Bush said the malamute belongs to his neighbor who lives just a few houses down the block.
Neighbors said the malamute constantly escapes her pen. Cheryl McIntosh worries her dog Suzie could be its next victim.
“It’s just protecting its yard and it’s vulnerable to these big, big bullies,” she said.
It turns out the malamute is no stranger to animal control. Records showed her owner had already been fined more than $1,000 for previous attacks on Tucker and a poodle in Snohomish County.
Bush confirmed the malamute’s owner did pay Tucker’s vet bills for the previous attacks, but said had not received financial help for the latest incident.
Bush now wants other pet owners to know how important it is to keep control of their animals.
“It could hurt a kid,” he said. “It threw my dog like a rag doll.”
Requests for comment from the malamute’s owner were not immediately returned.
Animal Control said it is investigating, and said it’s possible the malamute could be removed and its owner could face steep fines up to $2,000.
Here is the original surveillance video footage of the attack. WARNING: This is graphic and some may find this upsetting to watch.