Task forces final word on saving the southern resident orcas

For the last time, the governors orca task force came together Monday to save the southern residents from extinction. As they craft what will become their final word on the matter, theres still a lot of work left to do. It's been about 18 months since dozens of task force members sat in the same room for the first time. It all started as an executive order: A quest by Gov. Jay Inslee to keep these dying southern resident orcas from becoming the last generation. They were spurred on by the loss of Tahlequahs calf months later and her 17-day tour of grief. Thats when this group took on a new sense of urgency. The group's Year One report still serves as a blueprint for some of whats needed to save the orca, since many of their 36 recommendations -- and much of the funding needs -- are still in the beginning stages. Still, its a leap ahead from where they stood just 18 months prior. In the last legislative session, the task force's recommendations resulted in five new laws and hundreds of millions of dollars in funding toward orca recovery.

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