Elderly victim pepper-sprayed, stabbed on street by same man in separate attacks; help ID suspect
An elderly man walking his dog in downtown Seattle is pepper-sprayed by a stranger on the street -- the second time within weeks he's been attacked by the same suspect. In the first attack, he was stabbed.
Take a good look at the suspect. Seattle police are hoping you can help identify him.
Detectives say both bizarre attacks happened because the suspect wrongly accused the victim of having his dog. Detectives have confirmed the dog belongs to the victim, so this suspect is confused and very violent.
“It's about 4:45 in the morning. The victim's taking his dog out for a walk and he's confronted by the suspect in this case who says, 'Hey! What are you doing with my dog?' The victim goes, 'That's not your dog, it's my dog.' Suspect takes out a knife and swipes at the victim, actually cuts him in the hand and stabs him in the left thigh,” said Ret. Det. Myrle Carner with Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound.
The victim was rushed to the hospital. The suspect got away.
That was on August 1st. More than five weeks later on September 8th -- the victim’s morning dog walk turned into terror again. "He gets confronted by the same suspect, who says 'What are you doing with my dog?' And walks up, takes pepper spray and sprays him in the face. Fortunately, the victim wore glasses and it didn't get directly in his eyes. So, the victim takes off and he heads back to the Frye Hotel, where he's living and the suspect follows him in the lobby and that's where you see the video of this guy. Very distinct clothing. We don't know why this takes place, other than the fact that the suspect thinks it's his dog and it certainly isn't, because we've proved that.”
Unfortunately, the camera quality isn't very good but someone who knows this guy is going to recognize him.
Detectives say he's Asian, in his mid-60's, with a thin build, about 5’6”, with graying hair, bad teeth, and speaks with an accent.
This guy is dangerous and seems like he could definitely use some mental help.
If you live or work in the area around the Frye Hotel and have seen this man, or think you know his name, tell Seattle Police by using the P3 Tips App on your smart phone to submit the information to Crime Stoppers, or call the hot line at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477).
It's anonymous -- you never have to give your name -- and you'll get a cash reward of up to $1,000 if your tip helps lead to his arrest.