Brrrr! Beware of icy roads, sidewalks early Tuesday morning
SEATTLE -- The good news is it will be dry for most of us Tuesday.
The bad news is most of us were to dip below freezing overnight -- and cold temps will produce icy, possibly dangerous roads and sidewalks early Tuesday morning. So be careful out there!
Q13 News Chief Meteorologist Walter Kelley said Tuesday will be dry but not as sunny as Monday. He also said many drivers will have to scrape ice off of their vehicle's windshields before leaving for work.
"Wednesday morning will not be as cold and most remain above freezing," he said. Wednesday will be dry for the morning commute but wet for the evening commute, Kelley said. The foothills will get some gusty winds Wednesday afternoon.
And, he said, there will be gusts over 35 mph Wednesday night for places like North Bend and Yelm.
Thursday will have passing showers, Kelley said.
Veteran’s Day will be mostly dry. The weekend looks wet and breezy.
Snow level this week remains above Snoqualmie Pass.