Choirs, singing groups and even bands may have to wait for vaccine before performing again

SEATTLE -- Health experts say that choirs, singing groups and even instrumental bands may have to wait until there's a Covid-19 vaccine before they can practice or perform together.

That's a blow to hundreds of groups in Washington state.

Scientists say the act of singing puts many more droplets into the air, up to six times more than when you talk, making the virus much easier to transmit from person to person.

We've already seen this in Skagit County, where more than 40 people in a choir were infected.

Now, choirs around the state are trying to figure out what to do next. This includes the Northwest Boys Choir, which has been around for 40 years.

The coronavirus has forced this group of talented kids to move practice online, and while they are getting a lot of support online, they will struggle here at home. They've been forced to cancel all the concerts that bring in the revenue needed to keep going.

The other challenge for choirs right now is the costly act of making their practice spaces safer, with new ventilation systems that incorporate fresh air.

The Boys Choir is not alone. Hundreds of choirs and vocal groups in the state are facing the same issues. Some of them may not survive while waiting several months to possibly even years for a vaccine.

Meanwhile, the Northwest Boys Choir will continue performing online on their YouTube page.

Health Coronavirus