Community unites with candle light vigil to honor murdered 9-year-old boy
PORT ORCHARD, Wash. – On Friday prosecutors in Kitsap County charged Amber James with first degree, premeditated murder in the death of her own son.
She is currently being held in jail on $1-million bail.
Her son, 9-year-old Ryan Rosales, was a third grader at Green Mountain Elementary School.
Friday night was the first time the Wildcat Lake community was able to come together and grieve as one.
At least one hundred people showed up to share their grief at Ryan’s elementary school during a time of unrelenting sorrow.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” said Heather Davis.
Davis and her son Sebastian both knew Ryan and his family.
“He was a really good friend of mine,” said Sebastian.
Many who attended brought their own kids to remember Ryan as he was -- a warm, bright young man with his entire life ahead of him.
“Family and friends it’s what you got,” said Heather. “It’s what you got in this world.”
Earlier Friday afternoon, Ryan’s mother, 47-year-old Amber James, made her second appearance in front of a Kitsap County judge. Prosecutors decided to elevate their charges against her from second to first degree murder.
James’ family cried and hugged in open court – while the other side of Ryan’s family blamed the murder on his mother’s mental health after learning she told investigators she had been hearing voices.
“No one in their right mind could do what has happened and be sane,” said Ryan’s grandmother Linda Sloan
Even though there are so many unanswered questions about why Ryan had to die, his tightly-knit community came together as one to remember a boy his father called a ray of sunshine.
“I thought it was really respectful and nice that everybody came here to support and to care for him,” said Sebastian.
A PTA member told Q13 News a donated cedar tree would be planted in Ryan’s honor at his elementary school.
Ryan’s funeral is being planned for next weekend.