Historical weather: Seattle/Central Sound Independence Day
Sea-Tac Airport observations began in 1945.
Highest temperature...92 degrees in 2015
Lowest temperature...43 degrees in 1949
Lowest maximum temperature...61 degrees in 1992
Highest minimum temperature...61 degrees in 2007
July 4th number of days with maximum temperatures
90+: 2
85-89: 4
80-84: 6
75-79: 20
70-74: 12
65-69: 20
60-64: 7
Most precipitation...0.57 inches in 1992
July 4th number of days with precipitation
> or = 0.50: 1
0.25-0.49: 0
0.10-0.24: 6
0.05-0.09: 2
0.01-0.04: 9
0 or Trace: 53
Normal high temperature...74 degrees
Normal low temperature...54 degrees
Normal precipitation...0.03 inches
Climatic data for the past 10 Independence Days
Year High/Low Precip
2015 92/59 0.00
2014 75/57 0.00
2013 71/57 0.00
2012 69/49 0.00
2011 78/51 0.00
2010 65/52 0.11
2009 87/57 0.00
2008 71/59 0.00
2007 84/61 0.00
2006 75/54 0.02