Seattle Weather: Sunny and warm into Saturday; temps near 80

Friday brought plenty of sunshine and highs in the 80s!  Skies will remain clear tonight with a mild night, lows in the low to mid 50s.

A major solar storm is forecast for tonight, putting Western Washington in a good spot to possibly see the northern lights. 

Skies are forecast to be nice and clear tonight during prime viewing time. 

With more sunshine and offshore winds forecast for Saturday, afternoon highs will once again climb into the low 80's before the marine push returns on Mother's Day Sunday. 

Even though our temperatures are warm, our water is not!  Water temperatures in our area lakes continue to be wintry cold, only in the 50's with area rivers even colder in the low 40s due to continued snow melt. 

The onshore flow will return on Sunday.  The cooler marine air will help cool temperatures into the mid 70s on Mother's Day Sunday, still a great day though to celebrate.  A weak disturbance to our north will bring a slight chance of showers in the North Cascades.