'It's just pizza': Angry customer charged with assault after attacking Domino's manager

GUTHRIE, Okla. - An angry Domino's Pizza customer was arrested after he allegedly got the wrong order and took his anger out on an employee recently, according to KFOR.

The customer, identified by police as Milton Ray Davis, was arrested and charged with assault and battery.

The Domino's manager working at the time, Mike Merkle, got an angry phone call from the disgruntled customer.

“I apologized to him and told him, ‘Hey, I’ll be happy to remake your pizza, no big deal,'” Merkle said. “He started getting belligerent with me and cussing me out.”

Davis took his pizza to the store, and security camera footage shows the entire encounter.

“He came in the door, and slammed the pizza down and immediately started yelling, and screaming and going off the deep end,” Merkle said.

Merkle refunded his order, but that wasn’t enough. Davis allegedly demanded more money that he claimed he tipped the driver.

“'Give me back my $25,' something about he tipped my driver $25,” Merkle said. “No, not in this town. Trust me, not in this town. There’s no way. I refused.”

That wasn’t the response Davis was looking for, and that’s when Merkle told police Davis attacked him.

“He just lost what little control he had, came around the corner, threw me in a headlock,” Merkle said. “Slung me around, physically slung me around behind the counter.”

After a few seconds, Davis released Merkle and continued yelling at him. Davis almost left, but he wasn’t finished. He turned around and went back, acting like he was looking for more.

“Jumped with his hands up like he was ready for me to take a swing at him,” Merkle said.

But, the manager kept his cool: “Nope, I’m good, dude,” he said.

Merkle said he’s dealt with angry customers before but it’s never gotten physical.

“Dude, come on,” he said. “It’s just pizza, man.”

Davis finally left, and it wasn’t long before police found him and allegedly admitted what he did.

“I believe his words were, ‘Sometimes, you just need to take a charge,’” said Guthrie Police Sgt. Anthony Gibbs. Davis has pleaded not guilty to the assault charge.

“Some people get really mad over the stupidest things,” Merkle said.