Moses Lake may postpone year-round school schedule
MOSES LAKE, Wash. (AP) — The Moses Lake School Board is deciding this month whether to postpone the start of a possible year-round school schedule to fall 2017.
The Columbia Basin Herald reports ( ) that the board voted in 2014 to begin year-round school in fall 2016, if the district had not come up with an alternative by that time. The idea is to relieve overcrowding by staggering school for students.
District superintendent Michelle Price says the timeline is too short to plan a transition. Price recommended last week that the board consider the delay.
The district serves about 8,200 students in eastern Washington.
Meanwhile, school board members are considering a construction bond proposal with a tentative target date of February 2017. District voters rejected a bond for a new high school in February. Voters also rejected a different construction bond in 2012.