Multiple car, garage fires may be work of arsonist

TACOMA -- Two or more fires that started in attached garages early Wednesday morning may have been the work of a serial arsonist, the Tacoma Fire Department said.
The fire department is investigating fires in the 4000 block of Yakima Avenue sparked around 4 a.m. Wednesday. The first occurred in a truck parked inside an attached garage. The fire quickly spread to the garage, but firefighters were able to put it out before it spread to the house.
Another fire was called in at 4:45 a.m. A Jeep and travel trailer caught fire in another attached garage. Again, firefighters were able to put out the blaze before it spread.
Reports of a third garage fire were unconfirmed Wednesday morning. No injuries were reported in any of fires.
Officials believe the cause of the fires might be connected and fire investigators think arson may be to blame.
This story will be updated as more information becomes available.