Tired of being asked about having babies, couple recreates newborn photo shoot with...
NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia -- A young couple had been asked by family members time and time again, "when are you going to have a baby?!"
So Matt and Abby eventually decided to do something fun and lighthearted to announce a different addition to their family, a photo shoot starring their dog Humphry!
“Abby and I have the craziest sense of humour and we feed off of each other with ideas,” Minnette told BuzzFeed News. “The shoot was hilarious. Everything went so smoothly. The pup was enjoying every second of it, and all the treats he was getting!”
Elisha Minnette Photography shared the photos with Q13 FOX's Travis Mayfield. She said they only had good intentions with the photos and just wanted to do something fun and creative.
The photos have been shared on Facebook thousands of times with more than 20,000 likes.
Click through the entire gallery below: