What do the terms 'Black Lives Matter,' 'All Lives Matter,' and 'White Privilege' really mean?
SEATTLE -- It's a conversation that can be tough to have, but it's one our news partner, The Seattle Times, is tackling head-on. In their project "Under Our Skin" they interview 18 people from all different backgrounds, with this question in mind: What do we mean when we talk about race?
Journalists Tyrone Beason and Lauren Frohne joined us this morning with their insight on how their ongoing project addresses this issue particularly in light of recent events. With police shootings that left two black men dead, and a sniper shooting in the middle of a peaceful protest that killed five Dallas police officers, many in our country are asking how we can possibly move forward from this. If we look to "Under Our Skin," the answer seems clear: We need to find a way to talk- and, perhaps more important, listen- about it.
In particular, what do people mean when they use terms like "Black Lives Matter," "All Lives Matter," and "White Privilege?" Beason and Frohne stressed that a big takeaway from their project is that each person interprets these phrases differently. Just being aware of that, and listening to different perspectives can change the entire conversation.
Watch the video above for more of their fascinating insight. You can also click HERE to view the project, and join in the continued conversation.