Reach Out and Read shows families the power of reading


This content was created in partnership with our sponsor, Regence BlueShield.

Reach Out and Read makes well-child checkups a little more magical and connects families through the love of reading.

The science-backed program addresses multiple aspects of a child’s development for a holistic approach to wellness. The program provides participating clinicians with carefully selected, age-appropriate books to hand out during well-child visits along with education about reading to children and babies.

"We're thinking about children's development in terms of physical, mental, cognitive language, and literacy," said Jessica Mortensen, executive director of Reach Out and Read Northwest. "And the important relationships that children and families have, starting when children are born."

Nationally, the program delivers about 6.6 million books each year into the hands of babies and young children, including 117,000 books a year in Washington. Today the program is available in 250 clinics in Washington.

The journey of a child's development begins from day one, and Reach Out and Read believes in making that journey as magical as possible. It recognizes that doctor visits can be nerve-wracking, even for adults. But when Reach Out & Read becomes a part of the visit, it transforms the atmosphere. It becomes a conversation, an engagement between parents and doctors, focused on how their child is doing. And when the visit begins with the gift of a brand-new book, it's more than just a medical appointment; it's a human connection.

"It's a little bit more human and a little bit more of a connection," Mortensen said. "Here's a brand new book we picked just for you," she says, and in those words, a new chapter of bonding begins.

The Reach Out and Read program has found a dedicated partner in Cambia Health Foundation, the corporate foundation of Regence BlueShield. The foundation’s support has been instrumental in expanding the program to include more well-child checkups. What's remarkable is that Reach Out and Read aims to start its program when children are born, instead of waiting until the six-month visit.

Why? Because 80 percent of a child's brain development occurs from the time they're born to when they're three years old. Reach Out and Read's extensive evidence base, with more than 20 studies, shows the positive effects of having books in the home. It increases the frequency with which families read to their children, enhances language and literacy skills, and creates positive childhood experiences that are crucial for developing social and emotional skills, all while helping to buer stress.

The beauty of Reach Out & Read goes beyond the individual child; it helps parents manage the stress that often accompanies the early stages of parenthood, fostering a nurturing environment where children can flourish.


This content was created in partnership with our sponsor, Regence BlueShield.