Halloween safety tips to keep your trick-or-treaters and yourself safe
SEATTLE -- Preparing for Halloween may mean more than just getting the right costume.
On the eve of Halloween, the State Fire Marshal’s office is encouraging parents to take extra safety precautions and be aware of hidden fire hazards.
The State Fire Marshal’s office provided some tips to parents to keep their kids safe on Halloween night.
Being aware or your surroundings is also important whether you’re out enjoying the fun or hosting an event.
The Northwest Insurance Council is reminding of some common-sense tips to keep your trick-or-treaters safe throughout the night.
“There is a lot more to it, nowadays. I think we all know first and foremost as Halloween as a delightful holiday for children but increasingly it’s also a holiday for adults who like to have a good time on Halloween night,” said Kenton Brine, President of NW Insurance Council.
They suggest homeowners ensure their walkways are safe by raking or sweeping leaves and other debris away from porches and decks. If someone trips or falls and is injured outside of your home, you could be responsible.
“Make sure walkways are well lit and that you don’t have low hanging branches that can hit youngsters in the eye. Remember they’re wearing costumes so they can’t see very well,” added Brine.
Brine also suggest keeping pets away from approaching trick-or-treaters because some may get hostile or excited by children dressed in costumes.
Law enforcement officials also remind drivers to drive slow and be extra cautious on neighborhood streets as kids head out to trick-or-treat.