Roads near Chehalis River closed due to flooding

THURSTON COUNTY – Thurston County officials have a warning for drivers near the Chehalis River. Recent storms have flooded nearby roadways, forcing their closures.
The affected roadways are:
- Moon Road SW at 183rd Avenue SW
- 215th Avenue SW at Zenkner Valley Road SW
- 188th Avenue SW at Lucky Eagle Casino
- Gravel portion of Anderson Road SW north of State Route 12
There’s no word when the roadways will reopen to traffic. In the meantime, county officials are reminding residents to avoid driving on flooded roads, even if there aren’t any warning signs.
“It only takes 18 inches of water to float a small car,” Thurston County Emergency Manager Kathy Estes said. “So the rule of thumb is this—if you can’t see the roadway under the water, don’t drive through it.”