After school Satan club approved at Tacoma elementary school
TACOMA -- Parents can mark their calendars for December 14th which will be the first meeting of the newly approved after school Satan club.
This week, the club was approved for Point Defiance Elementary School. Club organizers say the first meeting will be an open house for Point Defiance parents, students, teachers and staff. Meetings will take place after school ends at 3:30 p.m. in the art room.
The Satanic Temple has been targeting schools that have a Good News Bible Club. Satanic Temple of Seattle spokesman Tarkus Claypool ha said a parent brought the bible club to their attention over concerns the club was teaching children to evangelize to other children.
Claypool said their curriculum teaches children logic, self-empowerment and reasoning and they don’t worship a deity.
Christian parents have been outspoken in opposing the club.
Satanic Temple is trying to open its After School Satan Club in public schools across the nation, including some Mount Vernon schools.
And they're pushing city councils from Massachusetts to California to allow Satanists to give the opening prayer at public meetings.
Satanic Temple co-founder Lucien Greaves says the temple hopes to ensure Satanists "have a place in the world."