'Curious kind of campus mascot' rescued from Seattle elementary school storm drain
SEATTLE -- A storm drain is certainly not a good home for a beloved mascot.
On Friday, Seattle Public Utilities rescued two goldfish living in a storm water drain near Stevens Elementary on Capitol Hill.
According to the utilities company, SPU learned of the goldfish from the Capitol Hill Blog. The fish had become "a curious kind of campus mascot," and several people reached out for a fish rescue.
And a fish rescue is what they got.
"While SPU was glad to see the fish fairing well in the catch basin, it was necessary to relocate them as soon as possible," utilities officials said. "When fall rains come, these goldfish would likely be washed way into Lake Washington and may not survive the trip down the pipes."
The goldfish now have a new home at SPU's Ballard Operations Building.
The staff aptly named the pair Fish and Chips.