Dow Constantine, King Co. officials to denounce anti-immigrant fliers circulating in Burien
BURIEN, Wash. -- King County Executive Dow Constantine plans to speak out Monday along with other elected officials, to denounce recent anti-immigrant flyers mailed out in Burien.
A group that opposes sanctuary cities, called Respect Washington, sent out names and addresses of alleged undocumented immigrants.
The mailing also listed alleged crimes of 16 people who live in Burien, with a map pinpointing their locations and even claimed some have ties to gangs.
"It's also an effort to educate them to the crime that's around them constantly a lot of it to do with the unlawfully present individuals intercommunity," Respect Washington co-founder Craig Keller said.
"We in this country don't publish a list of people who committed a crime and send it out so people can go find them," said Burien resident Meggan Davies.
Respect Washington says the fliers were sent to people who signed Proposition One, a petition to overturn Burien's sanctuary city status.
The proposition won't appear on the ballot, after the Burien City Council missed the deadline last summer, delaying a vote on the issue.