Eyman issues ultimatum on two-thirds vote

OLYMPIA -- Tim Eyman proposed a new legislative initiative Monday that could decimate the state's budget if the Legislature does not move ahead on a constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds public vote to approve new taxes.
According to the Seattle Times, the new Eyman-backed initiative would cut state sales tax by a penny, meaning $1 billion a year in lost revenue to the state. The initiative -- slated for the November ballot if Eyman gets the 246,372 signatures needed -- wouldn't go into effect if the Legislature puts a two-thirds constitutional amendment on the ballot.
The state Supreme Court ruled a two-thirds vote to increase taxes unconstitutional last year. Voters have approved a two-thirds requirement each of the five times it appeared on the ballot.
A state constitutional amendment needs to be approved by two-thirds of the state Legislature, as well as a simple majority of voters.