It's on! Seattle PD accepts lip-sync challenge from Norfolk Police
SEATTLE – It's official! Officers at the Seattle Police Department will soon be showing off their lip-syncing skills.
On Wednesday, Seattle Police accepted a challenge from the Norfolk Police Department in Virginia.
OK, @NorfolkPD. It's on. We don't want to make an unruly mess of this video, so we will take some time to put it together.
In the past month, law-enforcement agencies across the country have been posting videos of officers lip-syncing and challenging other departments to do the same.
No word on what song, Seattle officers will choose.
Norfolk Police sang Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ 2014 hit “Uptown Funk.” The video so far has more than 30 million views on Facebook.
Their challenger, Corinth Police Department in Corinth, Texas, did a rendition of Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.”