Kam Chancellor says employees called cops when he was looking at Redmond gym he wanted to buy
REDMOND, Wash. -- Long story short, Kam Chancellor won't be buying this particular gym after all.
The Seattle Seahawks safety sent out a series of tweets on Wednesday night in which he says employees called police on him while he was checking out an athletic club he was thinking about buying.
Chancellor said he was considering buying the Redmond Athletic Club, which went out of business Monday after losing its lease.
He said two female employees called the police after he looked in the window and asked for help.
Chancellor said the police "know I'm a good guy and stealing isn't in my blood."
Later Wednesday night, Redmond Police confirmed what happened. The police department issued this statement:
"On March 2nd, 2016 at 4:25pm, Redmond Police Dispatch received a 911 call from a local gym. Two female employees were inside the closed facility alone and reported that five adults were outside their facility, some were pounding on the door and looking in the windows with cameras, as if they were trying to gain entry. The employees reported they weren't exactly sure what was going on, but the individuals did not appear to be leaving, even though the gym was closed for business.
"Redmond Officers responded and made contact with five adults, who expressed they had an interest in purchasing the gym and were trying to make contact with someone inside the facility. Our interactions with the group were very positive, the group left the area without incident and no police report was filed."