Michael Moore releases clip of Cesar Sayoc at Trump rally
One of the stickers on accused mail bomber Cesar Sayoc's van read "CNN Sucks." Another featured the likeness of Michael Moore in a gun's crosshairs.
Now Moore himself has released raw footage of Sayoc at a rally for President Trump soon after the inauguration that brings both to mind. The video captures Sayoc chanting "CNN sucks" along with others at the Florida rally and holding a sign with that message The footage had been shot for Moore's Fahrenheit 11/9 movie, though Sayoc did not make the final cut, per the Daily Dot.
"Needless to say I was a bit shaken to see that Sayoc had placed a photo of me with a crosshairs target over my face on the side of his van," writes Moore on Facebook. As for the video, "you can see what Sayoc had become by early 2017, his body grossly deformed into what he thought a man should be, muscles the size of basketballs," writes Moore.
But the filmmaker says he sees something else beneath this "Hulk-like" exterior: "There is fear in his eyes and, for a quick moment, you can see he is already gone, a lost dog with no direction home."
(Sayoc's family has long implored him to get help.)
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