Physician assistant’s license suspended over alleged ivermectin treatment for COVID-19

The Washington Medical Commission announced Friday that a Clark County physician assistant’s license was suspended over his alleged treatment for COVID-19. 

The WMC alleged Scott Miller’s treatment for patients fell below the standard of care. 

Miller is accused of starting a public campaign promoting ivermectin as a cure, and prescribed it to at least one person without adequate examination. 

RELATED: Anti-parasite drug for animals ivermectin flying off store shelves as COVID spikes

Some of the other allegations against Miller are interfering with the care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, engaging in a hostile and and threatening public campaign against both hospitals and individual physicians regarding COVID-19 treatment, and lying on his initial licensing application by denying that he was under investigation by the State of California’s Physician Assistant Board. 

On Sept. 22, the WMC voted to unanimously adopt  a COVID-19 Misinformation Position Statement. 

RELATED: 'Stop it': FDA warns ivermectin is not a COVID-19 treatment drug

With that position, it means they can discipline practitioners who are found offering treatments and recommendations regarding COVID-19 that fall below standard of care as established by medical experts, federal authorities and legitimate medical research. 


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