Report: 3 more children in state suspected of having AFM, a polio-like illness
SEATTLE -- Three more children in the state have been hospitalized with what is suspected to be acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a rare condition that causes weakness or paralysis in one or more limbs, it was reported Monday night.
If confirmed, that would make a total of 11 children in Washington who have fallen ill with the rare condition since September.
Our news partner The Seattle Times, citing state health officials, said the newly reported three children are between the ages of 3 and 14; two are from King County and one is from Spokane County. One of the King County cases was hospitalized at Seattle Children's Hospital and released, the officials told the Times. The other King County child has been hospitalized at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma. The Spokane County child is hospitalized there.
3 more children in state suspected of having AFM, a polio-like illness
3 more children in state suspected of having AFM, a polio-like illness
The Times said that of the eight children previously hospitalized at Seattle Children's, six have been released and two remain under care.
A 12th child suspected of having AFM died, but Daniel Ramirez, 6, was left out of the grouping because his death is still under investigation and was not confirmed to be AFM.