Robber 'trades' legally blind man cigarette for hundreds at ATM

If you recognize the suspect—pictured above with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth—please contact the Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.
SEATTLE – Police are sharing surveillance photos from an ATM in downtown where over the weekend a robber stole hundreds of dollars from a man who is legally blind and left him with a cigarette in exchange.
Detectives say it happened around 7:30 a.m. Saturday at the Bank of America in the 400 block of Pike Street.
The man says he was using the ATM when he was grabbed from behind and told to hand over his money.
Investigators say the man gave up hundreds of dollars.
“The suspect, for some unexplained reason, gave the victim a cigarette and fled,” wrote Jonah Spangenthal-Lee on the SPD blotter post about the robbery.
A person nearby did witness the crime, was able to flag down a police officer and was ultimately kind enough to give the other man a ride home.
If you recognize the suspect—pictured above with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth— contact the Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.

If you recognize the suspect—pictured above with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth—please contact the Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.