WATCH: Rising Skokomish River floods road; salmon swim across it
SHELTON, Wash. -- It was a nervous dance for drivers on the Skokomish Valley Road Wednesday night -- as much of it seemed to melt into the Skokomish River.
Some treaded gingerly along the flooded road, while others plowed right through.
"It’s about a foot and a half deep," said Alex Morris from his truck as he headed into town, a tad worried that with more rain he might not be able to make it back home.
"There's some ... concern, because we don’t want to be stranded out there."
During hard rains in the spring and fall, fields, yards, and roads along the river tend to flood. But the road has also become famous for the salmon that cross it during flooding, and sometimes that brings hunters out.
Late into the night, we spotted a dog, standing in the middle of the flooded road, just waiting for a salmon to try and cross to the other side.