Woman accused of giving 9-year-old granddaughter drugs to frame her father
(CNN) -- Janie Carbajal says the accusations that she gave her granddaughter bags of cocaine to take to school -- as some sort of scheme to get her dad in trouble and win back custody of her -- is outrageous.
"I would not do that," she said.
But Gilbert, Ariz., police said that the 9-year-old girl told them her grandmother gave her the drugs and hatched the plot.
"I feel like there was some intimidation from (her) father and some coercion that may have made her say things that she would not," Carbajal said.
Earlier this year, the young girl's father fought and won custody of her. And Carbajal admits that she wasn't happy about that. She said she thought moving to Arizona from Texas to be closer to her granddaughter would help her relationship with the girl's father.
"I thought maybe eventually (her) dad and I could come to terms and he would agree to me baby sitting her or at least go to school functions," Carbajal said.
But the relationship has been strained and that is what Carbajal said led to the allegations against her.
"Now with this, I feel like it's just I've lost all chance of seeing her -- looking at my paperwork it says I'm not supposed to," she said.
And even though it was her granddaughter's interview that landed her behind bars, she says she holds no ill will.
"I love you -- you know how much Mima loves you. I understand why you said what you said."