Butterfingers bad girl: Help ID gun-dropping armed robber before she gets someone shot

WANTED BY BELLEVUE POLICE -- Bellevue police need help identifying an armed robber who dropped her gun in the middle of the heist. "It was a female that had come into the convenience store at the Brown Bear Car Wash," said Officer Carla Iafrate. "She came in, grabbed something from the back of the store, walked over to the counter where the clerk was, asked for some cigarettes. The clerk turned around to grab the cigarettes, heard some noise, turned around and saw this female bending over to pick up what had fallen from her hand... a gun. So obviously the clerk was shocked and the female picked up the gun and asked for the money out of the till and the cigarettes. And then with the gun in her hand, fled the scene." She was well-disguised, but if you know anything that can help police identify her, call an anonymous tip into: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. CLICK HERE for information on how to TEXT A TIP to Crime Stoppers