David Pasiemiak: Accused child sex assault suspect wanted in Oregon

pasiemiakWANTED IN TIGARD, Oregon -- The Tigard Police Department, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers of Oregon, is asking for the public's help in locating a wanted sexual assault suspect. David Pasiemiak, 48, has felony warrants in connection with a sexual assault investigation. He's suspected of sexually assaulting a young girl for two years, between 2009 and 2011. The victim was 9 to 11 years old at the time. Pasiemiak is described as a white male, 5'9" tall, 160 pounds, with shaggy gray hair and possibly facial hair. If you know where he is, call an anonymous tip into: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. CLICK HERE for information on how to TEXT A TIP to Crime Stoppers